Monday, June 29, 2009

New Song- Wavelengths


Here's a new addition to my album.

Here's a new song I wrote today. I was thinking about waves and and radio frequencies. I think there's a connection between the two, like sea waves are the radio waves of the ocean.
I was thinking about surfing and sunlight. This song is really supposed to reflect the idea that we can all be in tune with each other through wavelengths. All we have to do is be able to ride these wavelengths, to be in perfect harmony with these waves or ghosts or souls.

I had this whole image of the beach, surfers and a sunset. The beach is a place of departure, it is final frontier before meeting the ocean, before jumping in the mouth of the world. The ocean is being lost in total and complete chaotic reverence, but at the shoreline we can quitely observed. Going into the sea is meeting with the Is, seeing the face of god itself. The sunrays are the energies given off from the souls, because all souls enter the sun. Anyways, you know what I mean. Waves, surf, sunset, noise, loop, psych, radio frequencies and a 4 track recorder to record all you feel...

Long live the wavelengths!

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